Using The AWP In Front Of An Enemy That Has A Cont
Using the awp in front of an enemy that has a continuous shooting rifle is a tricky task. :
1.) Suppose the enemy is quite nearIf u have a deagle or any other pistol(preferably the cts usp), one option maybe to jump and stop in mid-air (that disturbs the enemy's aim and can badly shatter recoil if the enemy has a large recoil gun like an ak47) .Keep movin and shootin with the usp, all the while going TOWARDS THE ENEMY. Once u reach near enough, switch to the sniper and shoot without scope.Using a deagle has an added advantage here...the switching time is reduced.
2.) If the enemy is far(as if the snipist is standing at the a bomb site in dust 2 and the enemy is near the a-long tunnel)The option here can be to wait for the enemy to approach within ur scope, and then.....Bam!
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